Our Tigerstyle squad competes in kickboxing competitions around the world and includes some of our best students. All of our squad members love sparring and train every Friday to make sure they are in top shape for our next big comp.
When are Tigerstyle Sports Karate competing next?
You can find out when our squad are competing next by checking out our events page. After each comp we let everyone know how we have done by posting a post on our website and on Facebook and instagram.
Can I be part of the squad?
If you are interested in becoming part of our squad you need to make sure that you are training hard day in and day out. We won’t be inviting you to join if you don’t concentrate in class and show that you are willing to go the extra mile. You also need to make sure that you come to our sparring development days. These days are designed to help you improve your sparring skills and help us decide who should be the next person to join our team. You can find out when the next sparring development day is by having a look on our events page – if you want to come along make sure you book a place by contacting us first.
If we think you show potential with your sparring, you are doing all of the above, and you have a good attitude in class, we may invite you to come along to our next comp (and join us for our Friday training). Just keep working hard!